
Podcast: The race to safeguard our oceans

22 March 2023

Please note: The views expressed in this podcast do not constitute advice or recommendations.

About Monaco Ocean Week

Monaco Ocean Week 2023, of which Barclays Private Bank is a proud sponsor, brings together experts, scientists, and stakeholders from the public, private and voluntary sector to share findings on marine environment issues, and to take action to preserve our ocean.

Oceans are vital to both human and planetary life, yet more action is needed to protect and regenerate them.

Coinciding with Monaco Ocean Week 2023, host Damian Payiatakis, our Head of Sustainable and Impact Investing, is joined by Olivier Wenden, CEO and Vice-Chair of the Board at the Prince Albert II Foundation for a special podcast.

Tune in to learn about the critical role of oceans in climate, as well the positive role investors and foundations can play in the quest for innovative solutions that can safeguard the future of these vital eco systems. 


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