
Next generation philanthropy

24 August 2022

Please note: The donor views expressed in this podcast do not constitute advice or recommendations.

With trillions of dollars of family wealth expected to transfer across generations in the coming decades, next generation philanthropy is a hot topic, and one that is already challenging traditional ways of giving.

In our latest philanthropy podcast, we hear from three inspirational next gen donors about their progressive approaches to giving, and how they’ve managed the expectations and responsibilities of inheriting family wealth.

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Tune in as Juliet Agnew, our Head of Philanthropy, is joined by:

  • Kristina Johannson, founder of the Solberga Foundation, which supports grassroots movements and climate justice
  • Lily Lewis, founder and CEO of the Pocressi Initiative, which helps organisations addressing addiction and criminal justice
  • Paolo Fresia, impact investor and adviser with a focus on climate change, gender equality, and sustainable supply chains


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About the speakers

Kristina Johansson is the founder of the Solberga Foundation, a family foundation that supports grassroots movements for climate justice. Kristina previously worked for Planned Parenthood and the UN Peace Women Program. She co-founded Resource Justice, a community of young people with wealth committed to the equitable distribution of wealth, and is a founding member of Patriotic Millionaires UK, which works towards a fairer tax system. Kristina lives in London with her husband and two dogs. She loves exploring the UK, wild swimming, and walking adventures.

Lily Lewis is the founder and CEO of The Pocressi Initiative, which supports grassroots organisations addressing addiction and criminal justice; and founder of Kairos+, a free psychotherapy service for people who have experienced prison, addiction, or homelessness. She co-founded the Let’s Talk About Race workshops and is a director of Project 507 CIC, which works towards ending violence and trauma. Lily lives in London and North Cornwall with her dachshunds, Dolly & Myrtle. Passions include antiquing on eBay, how to get Myrtle to lose weight, and all things related to Harry Potter.

Paolo Fresia invests his capital and advises others on how to generate positive impact in the fight against climate change, for gender equality, and for more sustainable supply chains. Through the Guerrilla Foundation and GiveOut, he supports grassroots activism to more radically question the root causes of our ecological, social, and democracy crises. He lives with his husband and two kids in London, loves adventure travel, is an Ayurvedic practitioner, and can cook a mean curry.

Juliet Agnew is head of Philanthropy at Barclays Private Bank. With nearly 20 years’ experience in the industry, she brings a broad and fresh perspective, having joined us in May 2021. Juliet began her career on the frontline of social change, working with award-winning international charities. She has spent the last decade working with companies, charitable foundations, and families to design and manage high-impact giving across a range of causes and geographies. Juliet is a seasoned foundation leader, board member and coach.

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