
India – private clients

Exceptional service

As a high-net-worth individual in India, we’re committed to bringing you exceptional service. You and your family can enjoy a complete range of financial services that help to build, manage and pass on your wealth.

Local focus, global perspective

We’ve called India ‘home’ since 1979. Barclays has been active in the Asia Pacific since 1968. We opened our first representative office in India in 1979 and our Private Clients service began in 2008. These years of experience, supporting wealthy clients in India and across the subcontinent, allow us to bring you an exceptional service today.

Barclays is one of the world’s most financially stable and dependable banks. You can benefit from our local knowledge as well as having access to the full global resources of the Barclays Group. This includes exclusive access to our Investment and Corporate Banks, as well as experts from a wide range of specialities, so can make the most of every opportunity to grow and manage your wealth.

Personal service from a worldwide team

Getting to know you, your financial personality and your goals is essential for us. This allows us to create a strategy designed to suit your unique needs.

Using our global reach, we collate the right blend of ideas, opportunities and people to promote all of your wealth management needs.

Every client in India has their own dedicated Relationship Manager. Their role is to make sure you have the right team of advisors and specialists to explore your wealth options and put together the best strategies for your individual situation and ambitions.

Creating the right service for you

Wealth means different things to different people. We offer a wide choice of banking, investment and advisory services through four core product areas:

Private Clients India app

We know you’re always looking for ways to access your investments hassle free, anytime, anywhere. We provide online access to your accounts with powerful investment and payment capabilities.

View details of our Private Clients India App.

Contact your local team


Become a Private Bank client in India

Discuss your needs with us and find out how we can help you achieve your goals. We serve clients who can establish an investment portfolio of at least £5 million (or local currency equivalent) with us.


Already a client? We’re here to help

General enquiries
Telephone: +91 22 6719 6363*

Opening hours 09:00 to 18:00 (Local time), Monday to Friday.

For anything else, please contact your Private Banker who’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.

We’re proud to have won Asian Private Banker's award for 'Best Private Bank – India 2019’, a market we’re committed to serving now and for years to come.

Private Banker awards

Barclays offers wealth and investment products and services to its clients through Barclays Bank PLC registered in England and operates in India through its subsidiaries, including Barclays Securities (India) Private Limited (BSIPL). BSIPL is a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 having CIN U67120MH2006PTC161063.

BSIPL is registered and regulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) as a Portfolio Manager INP000002585, Stock Broker INZ000269539 (member of NSE and BSE), Research Analyst: INH000001519; Depository Participant: IN-DP-478-2020 (DP of NSDL), Investment Adviser: INA000000391. BSIPL is also registered with BSE Administration and Supervision Limited (BASL): BASL1835 and as a Mutual Fund Distributor having AMFI ARN No. 53308.

The registered office of BSIPL is at Nirlon Knowledge Park, 9th floor, Block B-6, Off. Western Express Highway, Goregaon (East), Mumbai – 400063, India. Telephone No: +91 22  61754000 Fax number: +91 22 61754099 

Chief Compliance Officer contact details: Name: Mr. Vaibhav Purohit, Contact number: +91 22 61752271, E-mail: bsipladvisorycompli@barclays.com Investor Grievance E-mail: xrabsiplconcerns@barclays.com  Website: www.barclays.in/bsipl

BWTIPL is a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 having CIN U93000MH2008PTC188438. BWTIPL is a Corporate Agent (Composite) of (i) HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Limited and (ii) ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited, under IRDA Registration Code CA0078.

The registered office of BWTIPL is at  Nirlon Knowledge Park, 9th floor, Block B-6, Off. Western Express Highway, Goregaon (East), Mumbai – 400063, India. Telephone No: +91 22  61754000 Fax number: +91 22 61754099

Email Address for corporate agency (insurance) matters: xrawealthindiainsura@barclayscapital.com, Email Address for other matters: bwwaindia@barclays.com / wealthindiatrust@barclays.com

Grievance Officer contact details: Name: Ms. Poonam Mirchandani, Contact number: +91 022 6719 6359, E-mail: BWTIPL.concerns@barclays.com Website: www.barclays.in.bwtipl

Barclays Investments & Loans (India) Private Limited (BILIPL) is a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1913 having CIN U93090MH1937FTC291521. BILIPL is registered with and regulated by Reserve Bank of India as a Non Banking Finance Company : Registration No.B-13.02176.

BILIPL is, inter alia, an Authorized Person for Barclays Securities (India) Private Limited (BSIPL) as a stock-broker, on the National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE AP License registration numbers CM-AP2155000013, FO- AP2155000013, CD- AP2155000013), and on BSE Limited (BSE AP License registration number- AP01322101143925), and a Sub-Distributor to BSIPL as a Mutual Fund Distributor (AMFI ARN No. 53308), with AMFI ARN No. 246170.

BILIPL’s registered office is at Nirlon Knowledge Park, Level 9, Block B-6, Off Western Express Highway, Goregaon (East), Mumbai - 400063, India. Telephone No.: +91 22 61754000. Fax. No.: +91 22 61754099. Grievance Redressal Officer contact details: Name: Mr. Ruzbeh Sutaria, Contact number: +91 22 61754244,Grievance E-mail: bililcompliance@barclayscapital.com. Website: www.barclays.in/bilil/