
The power of philanthropy: Tackling climate change

11 November 2021

As climate breakdown continues to hit home hard, it’s no exaggeration to say that our response over the next decade will likely shape the future of humanity. Given the urgency and scale of the crisis, collective global action funded by all forms of capital is essential.

In this podcast, Juliet Agnew, our Head of Philanthropy, is joined by an expert panel of speakers to discuss the critical role that private capital, and in particular philanthropists, can play in addressing climate change.

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Click below to hear our esteemed guests Sarah Butler-Sloss, Florence Miller and Tom Rivett-Carnac, share their unique insights, experiences, and passion for the planet and philanthropic purpose.

Coinciding with the COP26 climate change conference, the podcast’s timely topics are likely to remain relevant for a long time to come. It’s a must-listen for anyone looking to positively influence tomorrow.


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About the speakers

Sarah Butler Sloss has been internationally recognised for her work in the field of green energy over the past 20 years, and is best-known for founding the Ashden Awards for Sustainable Energy in 2001. In 1989, she established the Ashden Trust, one of the Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts, which supports programmes focusing on climate change, sustainable development, and improving quality of life in poorer communities.

Florence Miller is CEO of the Environmental Funders Network, which works with trusts, foundations and individuals making grants on environmental and conservation issues. The organisation aims to increase financial support for environmental causes and to help environmental philanthropy to be as effective as possible.

Tom Rivett-Carnac is co-founder of Global Optimism, a platform which campaigns on climate issues and which co-founded the Climate Pledge. He’s a co-presenter of the climate podcast, Outrage + Optimism, and co-author of The Future We Choose: The Stubborn Optimist's Guide to the Climate Crisis. Tom was previously a political strategist for the UN and worked directly on the Paris Agreement.

Juliet Agnew is head of Philanthropy at Barclays Private Bank. With nearly 20 years’ experience in the industry, she brings a broad and fresh perspective, having joined us in May 2021. Juliet began her career on the frontline of social change, working with award-winning international charities. She has spent the last decade working with companies, charitable foundations, and families to design and manage high-impact giving across a range of causes and geographies. Juliet is a seasoned foundation leader, board member and coach.


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