A focus on risk-adjusted returns, through a portfolio that aims to help build a better world
How you allocate your capital can be a powerful tool in helping to address the social and environmental challenges of our planet. That’s why we believe our role as custodians of your wealth is extremely important.
There are many reasons why you may want to invest sustainably. It could be to align your investments with your organisational beliefs or you’re aware of the impact your capital can have in the world. Perhaps you’re thinking about intergenerational wealth, or you recognise the long-term performance potential of sustainable investments.
We manage sustainable portfolios for a broad range of clients, ranging in size from £5 million to £500 million. Our clients include large institutions, sovereign wealth funds, charities and not-for-profits, family offices and private investors.
Given their global diversification and non-thematic, quality investment style, our sustainable portfolios are widely used as a core investment allocation.
Our clients’ investment goals often vary, from long-term endowment funds to drawdown savings pots. However, the principal objective remains consistent: to maximise risk-adjusted return through a portfolio of entities whose economic activities contribute to the UN’s sustainable development agenda.