
Discretionary portfolio management

Investing expertise. Long-term vision

Let us do the heavy lifting for you. Our discretionary portfolio management service professionally invests on your behalf.

We’ll actively manage your portfolio over the long term as we aim to meet your objectives, giving you clear performance updates and reports. We manage your investments with specialist knowledge, a global network and a dedicated portfolio manager working for you.

At Barclays Private Bank, you have access to a range of multi and single-asset class solutions, including dedicated equity and fixed income strategies and our sustainable investment offering. Our in-house asset class specialists support our discretionary team and help us to make the most of our global network.

Based on your risk tolerance, preferences and objectives, we’ll identify the right strategies across our varied solutions.

Diversified portfolios with a long-term view, aiming to generate strong, risk-adjusted returns

We concentrate less on timing economic cycles, and more on building a high quality portfolio that stands the test of time.

Your dedicated portfolio manager will have an ongoing oversight of your investments, and will diversify your portfolio to manage risk efficiently. We believe in active management and invest with conviction, whilst closely managing portfolio risks.

Our flagship multi-asset class discretionary portfolio has followed the same strategy since inception in 2006.

Our investment approach can be distilled into four core values

Seeking out the best opportunities

We identify high-quality companies with strong management, robust fundamentals and promising long-term prospects. Our preference for low portfolio turnover and direct investment also helps to keep costs down.

Leading with conviction

To capitalise on opportunities and in our efforts to outperform benchmarks, we put more focus and investment into our best ideas in your portfolio.

Managing risk

Your peace of mind is valuable. We monitor, manage and mitigate each portfolio’s exposure to identified risks with ongoing due diligence.

Striking the right balance

Our whole of market approach and in-house capabilities empower us to build and manage well-diversified portfolios across sectors, market drivers and asset classes.

You’re in expert hands

Your portfolio will benefit from our research from across the Group, strategic thinking and tactical market positioning, including the capabilities of our in-house asset class specialists. We’re unconstrained in selecting the ideas that best support you from across our global network.

Our experienced and stable team of portfolio managers can serve you globally from London, Dublin, Jersey, Monaco and Geneva.

We’re here to provide the flexibility for your future.

Responsible Investing

We believe that it is in the best interests of our clients for us to be proactive and purpose-driven when investing on your behalf. We are committed to being a responsible investor. This means that through our partnership with EOS at Federated Hermes (EOS) we actively engage with and vote (in the UK, Jersey, Ireland, Monaco and Switzerland) with the companies our clients’ are invested in. We also incorporate Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)1 factors into our investment decisions and analysis.

By committing to responsible investing, we believe this allows us to act in the best long-term interests of our clients – by ensuring there is a balance between maximising returns and representing the long term interests of our clients and ultimate beneficiaries.

You can find more information about our approach to effective stewardship in the Barclays Private Bank Responsible Investing Policy (Discretionary Portfolio Management) [PDF, 7.9MB], as well as in our statement relating to the UK Stewardship Code 2020 and our Shareholder Engagement Statement on the EU Shareholder Rights Directive II (SRD II).

For more detail, please see our page on responsible investing, and our engagement and voting activities.


Discuss your financial needs with our experts

We serve clients who can establish an investment portfolio of at least £3 million (or local currency equivalent) in the UK or £5 million (or local currency equivalent) in other jurisdictions.

Investments can fall as well as rise in value. Your capital may be at risk.


Why we block out ‘noise’ when it comes to investing

In our opinion, too many investors feel the need to sell and when your conviction wanes easily, it can be more pain than gain.

Past performance is not an indication of future performance. The value of investments, and any income can fall, as well as rise, so you could get back less than you invested. Neither capital nor income is guaranteed.

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  • Has been prepared by Barclays Private Bank and is provided for information purposes only
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  • All opinions and estimates are given as of the date of this communication and are subject to change. Barclays Private Bank is not obliged to inform recipients of this communication of any change to such opinions or estimates
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