
Private Bank Ireland Open Banking Metrics

Since June 2020, you’ve been able to share your Barclays Private Banking data with other companies so that you can use their services and make payments through them. For example, you might want to share your data with a company that lets you operate all your accounts from one place. This is called ‘Open Banking’.

To make sure you’re getting the best service from us when you use Open Banking, we’ve put together the data below, which tells you how well we’re performing. It shows how fast our service has been and whether there have been times when it isn’t available.

The metrics shown are for the period outlined below.

(*Most of them compare our Open Banking services to our digital banking services. By ‘digital banking services’, we mean Wealth Direct.)

Availability performance

Is our Open Banking service available consistently?

This graph compares the amount of time our Open Banking service was available to the amount of time our digital banking services were available over the last three months.

Availability performance
Monthly eBanking Downtime (% of Availability)
  April 2024 May 2024 June 2024
Quarterly average
Open Banking 99.95% 99.96% 99.99% 100%
Barclays BBI eBanking 97.12% 99.06% 99.24% 98%

(*Sometimes we plan outages so that we can release new features or carry out maintenance. We’ve included all the time our Open Banking service and digital banking services weren’t available in the graph, whether or not the outage was planned. We always let our customers know when we’ve planned outages and we give them details of other ways of doing their day-to-day banking.)

Payments performance

How quickly are Open Banking payments made, compared to payments made using our digital banking services?

This graph compares the amount of time it took for a company to make an Open Banking payment that you’d authorised to the amount of time it took using our digital banking services.

Payments performance
Average Payment Response Times (ms)
  April 2024 May 2024 June 2024 Quarterly Average
Open Banking 401 508 322 410
Barclays BBI eBanking 13,671 14,500 14,693 14,288

Account information performance

This graph shows how quickly we provided data when we were asked for it by companies you authorised to request it. This is compared to the amount of time it took to access the same information using our digital banking services.

Average Account Information Response Times (ms)
  April 2024 May 2024 June 2024 Quarterly Average
Open Banking 270 256 250 259
Barclays BBI eBanking 1,425 1,609 1,494 1,509

Checking you have enough money available for a payment

This graph shows how quickly a company you used to make a payment was able to check you had enough money available. This is called ‘confirmation of funds’.

Average confirmation of funds.
Average Confirmation of Funds Response Times (ms)
  April 2024 May 2024 June 2024 Quarterly Average
Open Banking 235 233 220 229

Successful requests from other companies

This graph shows the percentage of errors that occurred when we received requests from companies you asked us to share your data with, or that you allowed to make a payment for you or check you had enough money available to make a payment.

Error Rate (%)
  April 2024 May 2024 June 2024 Quarterly Average
Open Banking 0.11% 0.12% 0.11% 0.11%

Download information showing how our Open Banking and digital banking services performed every day for previous quarters.

 Daily Metrics Report [PDF, 8.9MB]