Important information India
Please read important notices regarding our services for Barclays Private Clients in India.
Attention Investors
Equity Broking / Depository Services
- Prevent Unauthorised transactions in your account
- Update your mobile numbers/email IDs with your stock brokers
- Receive information of your transactions directly from Exchange on your mobile/email at the end of the day. (Issued in the interest of investors.)
KYC is one time exercise while dealing in securities markets - once KYC is done through a SEBI registered intermediary (Broker, DP, Mutual Fund etc.), you need not undergo the same process again when you approach another intermediary.
No need to issue cheques by investors while subscribing to IPO. Just write the bank account number and sign in the application form to authorise your bank to make payment in case of allotment. No worries for refund as the money remains in investor's account.
Investors are cautioned not to blindly follow tips/rumours circulated via various mediums including social networks, SMS, WhatsApp, Blogs etc. while dealing in securities. Investors should deal in securities only after conducting appropriate analysis. In case of any systemic wrong doing, potential frauds or unethical behaviour noticed by Investors, please report to NSE.
In order to facilitate better understanding of the registration documents by the investors, the Exchanges have now made available the following Client Registration documents in 15 regional vernacular languages:
- Document stating the Rights & Obligations (this document can be found on our Barclays India site) of stock broker, sub-broker and client for trading on exchanges (including additional rights & obligations in case of internet/wireless technology based trading)
- Uniform Risk Disclosure Documents (for all segments / exchanges)
- Guidance Note detailing Do’s and Don’ts for trading on exchanges
These documents can be accessed on the NSE website and on the BSE website.
Barclays Securities India Pvt Ltd, offers robust platform to its clients to trade in Equities cash segment, ETFs, Equity Derivatives, Currency Derivatives through NSE & BSE and other investment options like Offer for Sale, IPOs etc. Investors are provided with an execution platform along with unbiased research across sectors, economy and scripts.
Details regarding margin requirements, collateral requirements and settlement calendar are mentioned/attached below:
Margin requirements
- Cash Segment
- BSIPL charges margins equivalent to 1.25 times the margins charged by the Exchange i.e. (VaR, Extreme Loss Margin and Special Margins (if any)). See exchange margins for NSE and BSE.
- BSIPL charges additional ad hoc margin from time to time for specific securities which shall be duly updated as and when levied.
- Any purchase of securities in cash equities under product type Cash and Carry (‘CNC’) shall attract 100% margins (upfront payment of settlement value), whereas any purchase under product type Normal (‘NRML’) or ‘Intra Day’ shall attract BSIPL margins as mentioned in ‘a’ above.
- In case of Sale of securities in cash equities under product type ‘CNC’ (i.e. where securities are held in the Demat account of the client with BSIPL and where BSIPL has been granted Power of Attorney (POA)), no margin is charged by BSIPL. Further, credit exposure shall be granted against sale amount of shares under ‘CNC’. For sale of shares under product type ‘NRML’ or ‘Intraday’, BSIPL margins as mentioned in ‘a’ shall be applicable.
- Equity Derivatives Segment
- BSIPL charges margins equivalent to 1.25 times the margins charged by the Exchanges i.e. (Initial Margins (SPAN) and Exposure Margins). See Exchange SPAN and Exposure margins, Currency Derivatives SPAN and Exposure margins
- Mark to Market (MTM) margins are charged and collected basis by the exchange on a daily basis. The MTM margins shall have to be provided to BSIPL latest by 10.00 AM on T + 1 day. MTM margins shall always be collected and remitted to BSIPL’s Broker margin bank account.
- Exposure in derivatives segment shall be provided only if the cash margins and the value of securities deposited as collaterals with BSIPL are sufficient to cover the margins requirements as mentioned in pt. ‘a’ above.
- Currency Derivatives Segment
- BSIPL charges margins equivalent to 1.25 times the margins charged by the Exchanges i.e. (Initial Margins (SPAN) and Exposure Margins). See CD SPAN and CD exposure margins.
- Mark to Market (MTM) margins are charged and collected basis by the exchange on a daily basis. The MTM margins shall have to be provided to the BSIPL latest by 08.00 AM on T + 1 day. MTM margins shall always be collected and remitted BSIPL’s Broker margin bank account.
- Exposure in derivatives segment shall be provided only if the cash margins and the value of securities deposited as collaterals with BSIPL are sufficient to cover the margins requirements as mentioned in pt. ‘a’ above.
Collateral requirements
Clients may fund the margins requirements (depending on the product type) in various forms:
- Cash – Clients may make available cash balances in BSIPL’s Broker margin bank account to fund their transactions.
- Securities – Clients may pledge approved securities (NSE EQ [ZIP, 264KB] / NSE FNO [ZIP, 262KB]/ NSE CD [ZIP, 188KB]) with BSIPL to obtain collateral margins against them However, the value of the securities shall be arrived post deduction of haircut. The haircut shall be 1.25 times (VaR, Extreme Loss Margin and Special Margins (if any))
Broking Form (Individual & Non-Individual)
Please view our dedicated Barclays India site for Broking forms.
- Cash Segment
Portfolio Management Service (PMS) is an active portfolio management offering in which the portfolio is constructed as per the investment objectives and constraints specified by the client. The client has access to the services of a professional investment manager.
Barclays Private Clients offers discretionary,non-discretionary and advisory PMS. In discretionary PMS, the clients funds are managed by the portfolio manager who is responsible for stock selection and executing investment decisions. Non-discretionary PMS is a consultative investment approach wherein the portfolio manager suggests investment ideas. The choice and timing for investment rests with the investor while the execution of the investment decision is done by the portfolio manager. In advisory PMS the portfolio manager offers non binding investment advice.
Barclays Securities (India) Private Limited (BSIPL) is registered with SEBI as a Portfolio Manager. The Disclosure Document [PDF, 4.1MB] has been filed with SEBI as per SEBI (Portfolio Managers) Regulations, 1993.
If you have any comments or feedback on our products or services, please email us
References to “you”, “yourself” and “your” means the account holder availing the relevant Services from us either in the capacity of a sole/first named account holder or a joint account holder.
For the high level summary of the key changes to the Updated Terms and Conditions, please view the Summary of Key Changes to Services terms and Conditions. [PDF, 171KB]
Terms and Conditions
Investment Execution Services [PDF, 266KB]
Advisory Services [PDF, 237KB]
Discretionary Portfolio Management Services [PDF, 352KB]
Non-Discretionary Portfolio Management Services [PDF, 246KB]
Broking Services - Additional Rights and Obligations of Stock Brokers and Clients [PDF, 150KB]
Depository Services - Letter of Confirmation – Individuals [PDF, 57KB]
Depository Services - Letter of Confirmation – Non Individuals [PDF, 60KB]
General Terms and Conditions [PDF, 395KB]
Details of updated Commercial Disclosures for Mutual Fund schemes.
Barclays offers wealth and investment products and services to its clients through Barclays Bank PLC registered in England and operates in India through its subsidiaries, including Barclays Securities (India) Private Limited (BSIPL).
BSIPL is a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 having CIN U67120MH2006PTC161063. BSIPL is registered and regulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) as a Portfolio Manager INP000002585, Stock Broker INZ000269539 (member of NSE and BSE), Research Analyst: INH000001519; Depository Participant: IN-DP-478-2020 (DP of NSDL), Investment Adviser: INA000000391. BSIPL is also registered with BSE Administration and Supervision Limited (BASL): BASL1768 and as a Mutual Fund Distributor having AMFI ARN No. 53308.
The registered office of BSIPL is at 208, Ceejay House, Shivsagar Estate, Dr. A. Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai – 400 018, India. Telephone No: +91 22 67196363, Fax number: +91 22 67196399. Compliance Officer contact details: Name: Mr.Yogesh Paskanti, Contact number: +91 22 61754000, E-mail: Investor Grievance E-mail: Website: