Investing for Global Impact

Investing for Global Impact
How will you influence tomorrow?
The global shift towards sustainable investing continues at pace, and it’s a megatrend that continues to grab attention and spark debate. Investors are increasingly recognising the opportunities for both purpose and profit, as well as the importance of managing sustainability risks in their portfolios.
Faced with a climate emergency, mounting social challenges and the fallout of the pandemic, more investors are feeling the responsibility to shape a brighter future for the generations to come.
'Investing for Global Impact: A Power for Good' report
We’re delighted to unveil the ninth edition of the ‘Investing for Global Impact: A Power for Good’ report. Developed by Campden Wealth, in partnership with Barclays Private Bank and Global Impact Solutions Today (GIST), it provides unique insights into the attitudes and actions of some of the world’s wealthiest individuals, families, family offices and foundations towards generating positive impact with their capital.
The latest report surveyed nearly 150 UHNW investors, with an average portfolio of $730 million, and reveals why and how they’re investing sustainably, and where the hurdles lie. It’s a thought-provoking read for anyone interested in investing for impact, irrespective of experience.
The need for change has never been greater. Are you rising to the challenge?

Our transition to net zero
We believe that Barclays can make a significant contribution to tackling climate change and help accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy. Read more about how we’re realising our ambition to become a net-zero bank by 2050.

Download the ‘Investing for Global Impact’ report
Unique insights into the motivations and experiences of UHNW individuals, families, family offices and foundations when it comes to investing sustainably.
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