Strategic Asset Allocation 2023 update
25 April 2023
At Barclays Private Bank, we’re focussed on the long-term preservation and growth of our clients’ wealth.
As a result, our investment strategy team periodically reviews our Capital Market Assumptions (CMA) and Strategic Asset Allocation (SAA). Their goal is to ensure that our long-term investment process reflects our investment thinking, and to help optimise a client’s overall portfolio performance.
We’re delighted to share with you a synopsis of their recent review, and to unveil our latest CMA and SAA. You can access a 10-slide PDF summary and the full whitepaper by clicking on the buttons below.
These documents provide an overview of our outlook for key macroeconomic drivers and the performance of asset classes beyond the typical one-year outlook. Our long-term views cover an investment horizon from 2023 to 2027. Additionally, we summarise the key SAA changes in discretionary mandates.
As a reminder, you can also access a shorter-term perspective of our investment strategy, by reading our Outlook 2023 report.
For Accredited Investors in Singapore.
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